ポート・ジャーニー・プロジェクト 横浜⇆上海 ルー・ヤン展
PORT JOURNEY Yokohama-Shanghai Lu Yang "Shanghainese in Yokohama" |
開催日時 | DATE: | 2016年11月11日(金)〜18日(金) |
11日(金)18:00〜 トークイベント | |
会場 | VENUE: | 象の鼻テラス | ZOU-NO-HANA Terrace |
主催 | ORGANIZED BY: | 象の鼻テラス | ZOU-NO-HANA Terrace |
協力 | COOPERATION: | 株式会社クエストアンドトライ、株式会社中川ケミカル | QUEST & TRY Co., Ltd., NAKAGAWA CHEMICHAL Inc. |
ZOU-NO-HANA TERRACE initiated the “PORT JOURNEYS” in 2011, to build relations upon an axis of cross-cultural exchange, through the collaboration of world port municipalities engaged in creative community development, cultural facilities, and artists.
Yokohama’s ZOU-NO-HANA TERRACE has as its objective multi-dimensional and sustainable mutual exchange among artists, municipal administrators and cultural facility staff in each port city. Cities to be involved with this cultural exchange include Yokohama’s sister ports, and port cities having partner relations with Yokohama, and other creative port cities.With the globalization of the world’s economy and changes in economic spheres, there is a demand for cities to reconsider their traditional functions and reinvent themselves; it is in that setting that more and more metropolitan centers around the world are promoting community development with citizens and artists and creators at the core of their concepts.
As a platform for the promotion of community creation, this project’s pursuit is the autonomous development of creative inter-city exchange.