開催日時 | DATE | 2019年11日2日(土)13:00 - 16:00 | Nov. 2(SAT)1:00 - 4:00p.m. |
会場 | VENUE | 象の鼻テラス | Zou-no-hana Terrace |
参加方法 | ADMISSION | 入場無料 | Free |
主催 | ORGANIZED BY | スマートイルミネーション横浜実行委員会 | Smart illumination Executive Committee |
後援 | SUPPORTED BY | インドネシア共和国大使館 | Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia |
都市とアートの相互作用 -SDGs時代の創造都市-
- インドネシア ジャカルタ市 / イグナティウス・ヘルマワン・タンジル
- アメリカ ニューヨーク市 /島田智里
How can art interact with cities -Strategy of a creative city in the age of the SGDs
“Smart Illumination Yokohama” is an art festival of night view production which emphasizes on energy-saving and environmental technologies.
With the aim to promote its concept how art could affect a city, the “Smart Illumination Summit 2019” will be held with guests invited from the most creative cities around the world.
In order to achieve the SDGs (sustainable development goals) goal and to explore the role of a creative city how to develop in the new era, this occasion will contribute to share our thoughts by presenting each other cases.
[Part1] 13:00-14:35
Presentation by participating cities
- Ignatius Hermawan Tanzil from Jakarta City, Indonesia
- Chisato Shimada from New York City, USA
*Lyon City, France was scheduled to attend but cancelled due to their circumstances.
[Part2] 14:45-16:00
panel discussion (3 cities)
-Ignatius Hermawan Tanzil, Chisato Shimada, Tsutomu Okada, Masato Nobutoki
-Facilitator : Shinichiro Moriya / Chief Planner of Smart Illumination Yokohama
*The timetable is subject to change. Thank you for your understanding.
■プロフィール | PROFILE
Ignatius Hermawan Tanzil
LeBoye design/Dia.Lo.Gue artspaceファウンダー、クリエイティブ・ディレクター / Founder and Creative Director LeBoye design and Dia.Lo.Gue artspace
2010年には、DiaLoGue Artspaceを設立。展覧会をキュレーションし、若いアーティスト、デザイナー、キュレーターがアートとデザインでキャリアを発展させるプラットフォームの役割を担う。
Ignatius Hermawan Tanzil graduated from the California College of Arts & Crafts in 1983, and since then his career as a graphic designer has been a consistent journey for over three decades.
He has won numerous national and international graphic design awards.
In 2010 he grew his interest in art and other branches of design by creating DiaLoGue Artspace, a space that allows him to make art & design initiatives.
His current work is to co-curate the Indonesia’s pavilion for London Design Biennale in 2016.
Chisato Shimada
ニューヨーク市公園局 都市計画&GISスペシャリスト / NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, Planning & GIS Specialist
Lives in New York City, USA. Graduated from the Kyoto Prefecture University with BS degree in Forestry and The City University of NY Hunter College with Master degree in Urban Planning.
She was selected as a first fellow of Community Development Fellowship organized by Manhattan Borough President’s Office and worked on various planning projects since then.
After working at an international architecture firm as an urban planner, she joined NYC Parks in 2009.
She has also been serving as a co-chair of Economic Development Committee with American Planning Association NY Metro Chapter since 2012.
Tsutomu Okada
スマートイルミネーション横浜 アートディレクター / Art Director, Smart Illumination Yokohama
Born in Yokohama, Japan in1963. In 1988, started to work for Spiral/Wacoal Art Center.
He was involved to organize contemporary art exhibitions within Spiral and for other institutions and produced many public art projects.
He was assigned as curator for official art program in EXPO2005, Aichi, Japan. Since 2009, he is the Senior Curator and Artistic Director of Zou-no-Hana.
Masato Nobutoki
スマートイルミネーション横浜実行委員会 委員長 / Smart Illumination Yokohama Executive Committee Chair
Graduated from the Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo.
After working for Mitsubishi Corporation (Information Industry, Development and construction, finance), acted as Director of Urban Management Strategy, City Management Bureau of Yokohama City, and General Manager of Global Warming Countermeasures Headquarters.
He was involved in the launch of Smart Illumination, which was established as part of the Yokohama Smart City Project to promote the Environmental Future City Project.
会期:2019年11⽉1⽇(⾦)〜 4⽇(⽉・祝) 17:30 - 21:30
会場:象の⿐パーク、象の⿐テラスほか | ⼊場料:無料
主 催:スマートイルミネーション横浜実⾏委員会 | 共 催:横浜市