The Kaohsiung International Steel & Iron Sculpture Festival
KISISF 國際創意港灣城市藝術論壇 シンポジウム参加 | |
開催日時 | DATE: | 2018年12月6日(木)〜9日(日) | 2018.12.6 THU - 9 SUN |
*KISISF 國際創意港灣城市藝術論壇 シンポジウムは8日(土) | |
会場 | VENUE: | 駁二芸術特区 | The Pier-2 Art Center ※高雄、台湾での開催です。 |
出演 | SPEAKERS: | 簡嘉論先生 (駁二營運中心主任) & 林鴻文先生 (2018高雄國際鋼雕藝術節策展人) |
Mrs. Kilarla Akiyama ( 橫濱象鼻公園統籌 ) | |
Mr. LEE Jaeon (Director of IAP : 仁川Art Platform總監 ) |
今回は、高雄との交流開始に向け、The Kaohsiung International Steel & Iron Sculpture Festivalへのシンポジウムに登壇します。
今回は、高雄との交流開始に向け、The Kaohsiung International Steel & Iron Sculpture Festivalへのシンポジウムに登壇します。
KISISF 國際創意港灣城市藝術論壇の開催詳細についてはこちら
專題演講 【駁二藝術特區 - 2018 高雄國際鋼雕藝術節】
發表人Speakers : 簡嘉論先生 (駁二營運中心主任) & 林鴻文先生 (2018高雄國際鋼雕藝術節策展人)
Keynote Speech about “KISISF and Pier-2 Art Center”
發表人Speakers : Mrs. Kilarla Akiyama ( 橫濱象鼻公園統籌 )
Presentation by the guest city, Yokohama Zounohana Terrace (Japan)
客座城市發表2【韓國仁川 Art Platform】
發表人Speakers : Mr. LEE Jaeon (Director of IAP : 仁川Art Platform總監 )
Presentation by the guest city, Incheon Art Platform (Korea)
休息時間15 分鐘
15 minutes break
QA time
ZOU-NO-HANA TERRACE initiated the “PORT JOURNEYS” in 2011, to build relations upon an axis of cross-cultural exchange, through the collaboration of world port municipalities engaged in creative community development, cultural facilities, and artists.
ZOU-NO-HANA TERRACE initiated the “PORT JOURNEYS” in 2011, to build relations upon an axis of cross-cultural exchange, through the collaboration of world port municipalities engaged in creative community development, cultural facilities, and artists.
Yokohama’s ZOU-NO-HANA TERRACE has as its objective multi-dimensional and sustainable mutual exchange among artists, municipal administrators and cultural facility staff in each port city. Cities to be involved with this cultural exchange include Yokohama’s sister ports, and port cities having partner relations with Yokohama, and other creative port cities.
With the globalization of the world’s economy and changes in economic spheres, there is a demand for cities to reconsider their traditional functions and reinvent themselves; it is in that setting that more and more metropolitan centers around the world are promoting community development with citizens and artists and creators at the core of their concepts.
As a platform for the promotion of community creation, this project’s pursuit is the autonomous development of creative inter-city exchange.